
Pavanamuktasana releases excess gas and unlocks the abdomen for an active energetic movement of the vital organs.

• Loosens the spinal vertebrae, creates flexibility and strength in the spine
• Massages abdomen and internal organs, and keeps the colon healthy
• Effective in removing gas and constipation
• Can help with impotence, sterility and menstrual disorders
• Beneficial for the heart and lungs
• Improves digestion
• Can support in neuromuscular disorders

Program Details
Sessions: 1 session
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Condition: Empty stomach
Age: 14 yrs and above
Cost: 50€

You will learn the entire practice in a way that you will be able to continue practicing daily by yourself. We offer free continuous support in case you have any doubts or questions as you practice on your own.

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