The way you eat not only decides your physical health, but the very way you think, feel and experience life.
— Sadhguru

Pranic Food for Wellbeing

"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when diet is correct, medicine is of no need." Ayurvedic Proverb

The first thing to remember is that essentially, food is fuel. To eat intelligently means to understand and supply the kind of fuel the body is designed for, so that it can function at its best. If you want to refuel your car, you go to the gas station and choose the appropriate fuel for this particular machine in order to achieve optimal performance. You could put kerosine into your car and it would actually drive, but it may smoke and cough, and you may not be able to accelerate as you want to. This is the situation with most people when it comes to their food choices. To choose the apptopriate fuel, you need to know what type of machine you are, because the way you eat not only decides your physical health – it decides the very way you think, feel and experience life.

What you will learn
• Which food to eat to enhance your energy
• Which food to avoid
• How to eat, how much to eat, when to eat
• The significance of food for wellbeing beyond the physical body
• The significance of water and how to consume for optimal wellbeing

Program Details
Sessions: 1 session
Duration: 2.5 hrs
Cost: 40€

"The course was extremely informative and we walked away with a wealth of information and amazing recipes. At the end of the course we were given a delicious meal. I highly recommend the course!"
Richard Giannetti
Massage Therapist | New Jersey, USA

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