If you are in tune with the cycles of the sun, then physical health, wellbeing, vitality, energy, these things you don’t have to bother about – they are just there with you.
— Sadhguru

Surya Shakti

‘Surya’ means ‘sun,’ and ‘shakti’ means ‘energy.’ Surya Shakti is a complete process. If you can do 108 Surya Shaktis daily, you will be fit; you do not need any other exercise. You will not only be physically fit, but in a different energy state altogether. A human being is ill only because he does not know how to be still. If you want to be still, you must have a good, strong spine. Otherwise you cannot. If you do not know how to be still, you will never know how to use any part of yourself fully. You will not know how to use your body or mind fully. Only if you know how to keep your mind and body in absolute stillness, you can go all out when action is needed. Otherwise, if something is happening all the time, when the time for action comes, it has no penetration. If you keep it up, Surya Shakti does wonders to your health, as well as your physical and mental states.

• Increasing lung capacity
• Strengthens cardiac muscles
• Improves digestive system
• Strengthening of the muscles, stretches, tones and realigns musculoskeletal structures
• Brings emotional balance, increases concentration

Program Details
Sessions: 1 session
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Condition: Empty stomach, must be practicing Surya Kriya
Age: 14 yrs and above
Cost: 60€

You will learn the entire practice in a way that you will be able to continue practicing daily by yourself. We offer free continuous support in case you have any doubts or questions as you practice on your own.

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